Made from a centrifuga l pump that p ulses w ater at a high velo city thr ough suc tion aspirators, creating a pump rat e of 10 litres/min from each p ump connectio n. Th e vacu um ac hieved, 5 to 40mb ar is depe ndent on the water te m perature in the reservoir. Aspirated g asses from both inpu ts mix in the 10 litre reservo ir. Although the in terior of th e pump is made from stainless steel and polyp ropylene it is a r equirement to change the water in the pump to limit a ny attack of any chemicals or vapours ab so rbed in the w ater. For better pr otection of equipme nt it is recommended to c onnect a “Scr ubber ” to was h and neutralise any corrosive gasses. The pump includes an exit valve that allows the water to be circulated externally. This can be used to empty and change the water in the reservoir to form an external re-circulation of water.
Reduced water consumption.
2 independent connections, aspiration pump vacuum rate 10 litres/min.
Vacuum limit: 5 and 40 mbar (dependent on water temperature).
Capacity: 10 litres.
Low noise level (<65dBA).
Valve connections for entrance and exit of vacuum and external water recirculation.
2 vacuum connections.
2 analogue vacuum gauges.
Illuminated mains switch.
Extraction system and neutralisation of vapours.
Made up of a “Scrubber” unit that blocks the passage of condensed acid vapours and neutralises the gas vapour in NaOH, and a recirculating water pump that provides an adequate pump rate to aspirate vapours.
It is supplied with 3 Kg. acid vapours neutralizer solution.