Free Airflow in the Hose:
Super-Max has the Support Arm outside
-Nothing in the hose to disturb the airflow.
-Better suction for a given fan size.
-No dirty support arms and friction joints
-Lower noise level.
Perfectly balanced
The external hydraulically suspended parallelogram arms is the secret. The hood is incredibly easy to move and 100 % stable in all positions. Super-Max is very robustly built which will give a long length of life even in the toughest environments.
Super-Max is a High Quality Product
It is equipped with a long strong steel hood to withstand sparks, chemicals and heat. The hood has a built in adjustable damper. The hose has a smooth inside and is very durable. All parts are laser cut for maximum precision.
Patented Hood
The hood can be angled more than 110° in all directions. The flat shape around the inlet of the hood gives a directional suction effect. You can catch pollution further away from the hood. The hood can be angled more than 110° in all directions. Pat. Nr 0461574.