The P-Max fans are designed for extracting smoke, gas and lighter dust. They fit directly to the extractor or together with a mounting bracket. Outlet is round with an inside diameter of 200 mm. For Extractor Cranes the 2100 TURBO is recommended.
The P-Max fans fit the different extractors in the following ways;
1. The wall bracket directly: Flexi Extractor Arms, Pro-Flex PRSV
and Super-Max SMSV.
2. Together with Fan Bracket and Inlet P-088 (d. 125 mm),
P-016 (d mm) or P-089 (d200 mm): Pro-Flex
and Super-Max Extractor Arms.
3. Together with Fan Bracket with Tuming Flange
P-045 (d 160 mm) or P-151 @200 mm): Flexi, Pro-Flex and Super-Max Extractor Cranes.