Universal Assessment Viewer with a suite of digital grading photographs for grading pilling and snagging. Ideal for use with Martindale, Orbitor and ProMace.
User friendly
Make the grading process easy and efficient with TestWise Touch™, pre-programmed photographic assessment images. A range of sample holders make the process of assessing and grading the
samples very clear.
Pre-loaded images
To grade other test methods including Martindale and Snag Pod.
Standards driven
For mace snag testing to the ASTM and JIS standards
EMPA pilling standards
Pilling Standard Photographs for EMPA Woven and Knitted standards are preloaded into the ProView to increase the range of images available.
The ProView library includes digital photographic images for a
range of standards including ASTM D 3939 Mace Snagging,
SnagPod, BS for Woven, Single jersey and double jersey, M&S
Pilling and EMPA.