The highest level of performances
Designed with the latest technology, the JASCO FP-8000 Series spectrofluorometers incorporate the highest sensitivity, fastest spectral scanning capability and excellent analysis-oriented functionality offering integrated solutions for advanced materials research and biochemical analysis applications.
The FP-8200 is a general-purpose spectrofluorometer with excellent basic performance and functionalities suitable even for routine fluorescence analysis especially of liquid sample. The standard Auto-SCS and Auto-Gain features allow measurements in a wide dynamic range with six-digit linearity. The automatic cut filter for higher-order diffraction can be provided as option for accurate spectra without artificial peaks from second order light.
The FP-8300 is a user-friendly spectrofluorometer for multipurpose such as from routine analysis to research study. The FP-8300 can be expanded to accept any optional accessories such as automatic titration unit or microplate reader. Using FP-8300, the most suitable system can be configured for phosphorescence measurement of sample cooled using liquid nitrogen or measurement using integrating sphere unit.