Permanent magnet hysteresis units can be configured as a clutch or a brake depending upon mounting. Torque is accurate and dependable because it is produced magnetically, not via friction. Torque is consistent over a given speed range. Because there is no wear, units have an extremely long life. Also since units are sealed, there is no concern about contamination. Each unit has an adjustable torque range that can be set by the user and since the units operate via permanent magnets, no external controls or power is required.
Accurate And Dependable Torque; Since torque is transmitted via a hysteresis field, there is minimal difference between the static and the dynamic torque. These units are unaffected by friction and wear, therefore torque is substantially more accurate and repeatable than friction tensioners.
Constant Torque (adjustable); Units can deliver set torque regardless of speed range. Each unit's torque settings may be manually adjusted over a wide range providing great flexibility.
Simple Installation; Units are provided bearing mounted and pre-assembled.
Long Life; There is virtually no wear because permanent magnets and hysteresis discs transmit the torque by magnetic flux without physical contact.
No Contamination; Units are sealed to protect against contamination from equipment. There are also no wear particles from operation to contaminate equipment.
No Electrical Power Needed; The PHT series clutches and brakes operate on a permanent magnet principle. External electrical connection is not required, therefore, units function independently from power fluctuation.