Our Smart Dryer System maximizes the energy efficiency of your fresh produce dryer. Uniform temperature, humidity and dryer cleanliness are critical to maintaining produce quality and for ensuring proper curing of your coating application. Designed to improve performance of your existing dryer, the Smart Dryer System utilizes the latest micro-processor technology to monitor these functions & more.
Features & Benefits
Touch screen user interface
Built-in gas safety devices and motor overload monitoring
Temperature and humidity sensors along length of dryer
Exhaust Volume Control VFD
Plenum and air duct screen cleanliness sensors/indicators
Visual display of functions and sensors allows quick monitoring and user interaction
Quickly troubleshoot safety switch activation and reduce downtime
Ensures consistent temperature and humidity levels for produce quality
Vents humid air from the system to reduce operational costs with heating
Allows maintenance personnel to easily see when cleaning is needed for most efficient drying