JBT Corporation is proud to introduce NumeriCAL™ v5.0 for Windows. Our Windows version integrates the features of NumeriCAL™ Model 101 and NumeriCAL™ v2.09 allowing for user-friendly utilities that operate in a standard “Windows Environment.” This software is the industry leader in Thermal Process Development & Analysis calculation software. Now, the accuracy of the algorithm is designed around a powerful graphic interface that allows Food Scientists to view heating and cooling data like never before.
• FDA-USDA accepted software for in-container thermal process development
• Industry proven for over 20 years
• Modeling various retort temperatures
• Evaluate thermal process deviations
• Automatically imports heating and cooling factors
• Utilizes a “pop up” wizard to streamline process modeling from the view screen
• Semi-log and linear curve views
• Non-linear (broken-heating) curve analysis
• Reads various ASCII data files
• Reads Windows CAL Soft heat penetration data files
The JBT NumeriCAL™ is the most advanced thermal process application design software for foods and beverages hermetically sealed in a package undergoing a pasteurization or sterilization process. The model has the ability of accurately modeling the entire heat penetration curve (heating and cooling) with constant or variable retort process temperatures, thus precisely calculating the microbial lethality delivered to the product.