Available in three or six spindles, the SeamTec Seamer covers speeds from 50 to 600 cans per minute. It’s designed with the highest sanitary standards specifically for highly sensitive, high value powdered products (such as infant formula, beverage powders and nutraceuticals). The SeamTec for powder features no exposed lubricants, stopping lifters to avoid powder spillage and an optional foreign-particle prevention system.
• Sets a new standard in hygienic design
• Easy seam setting
• Gentle can handling
• No exposed lubricants
• No powder bridging or spillage
• Quick can and cover format change-over
• Designed for packing high value powders
The SeamTec Seamer is designed for cylindrical metal and composite cans for any type of powder.
• Available in COMBI execution (2 x 3) allowing even faster can format change-over.