R NH fuse-links uzilization category gTr are now available with the reliable combi indicator. The change affects NH fuse-links of utilization category gTr from 50kVA (72A) to 400kVA (577A).
JEAN MÜLLER NH fuse-links uzilizationcategory gTr are now available withthe reliable combi indicator. The JEAN MÜLLERcombi indicator combines the function of the top-indicator andcenter indicator in a single design and ensures a reliable andclear indication of the fuse tripping regardless of the installationsituation. The combination of two indication systems in one designdrastically reduces the variety of types and the costs for storage.The new NH fuse-links are available in sizes NH2 and NH3 up to arated apparent power of 400kVA. They replace the previous typeswith top-indicators and center indicator. (Cross reference tablesee below)For use in NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors andNH fuse-switch-disconnectors, there is the version available withlive gripping lugs. A version with insulated cover plates andgripping lugs (ISM) is also available, for increased degree ofprotection when used in open NH strip-fuseways.
Higher rated apparent powers in sizes NH3 and NH4a are stillavailable with top-indicators. In addition, versions with a strikerpin are available in size NH4a. In connection with our LTL4afuse-switch-disconnectors, remote transmission of a fuse trippingis possible.NH fuse-links utilisation category gTr from JEAN MÜLLER inaccordance with DIN VDE 0636-21 have provided reliable protectionfor transformers in 400V distribution networks for decades.