These transverse extensometers use a high-temperature capacitive sensor and do not require any cooling. They will operate up to the maximum température limit of most environmental chambers used in materials testing. The Model 7675 is idéal for détermination of Poisson' s ratio, and for characterization of anisotropic materials such as composites. Ail units can accommodate both positive and négative displacements. Model 7675 transverse extensometers are compatible with most Model 7642 high-temperature axial extensometers.
The 7675 is supplied with the advanced DT6229 controller. The standard output is 0-10VDC analog signal, factory calibrated with the extensometer. This System provides a number of functional enhancements, including high speed digital output, built in calibration and tare functions, analog and digital filters, and more.
Analog Output: User specified, +/-5 VDC or +/-10VDC typical, ±10.8VDC rail Digital Output: 24 bit high speed Ethernet output with built-in web interface Linearity: 11 point linearization, <0.1% of full scale typical Resolution: <55 PPM (0.006%FS) RMS@4 kHz, 25 Hz typical
Analog Filter: Selectable 100 Hz analog and 2 Hz - 3 kHz digital fïlters
Température Range: Ambient to 700°C(1300°F). Use up to 800°C is possible - contact Epsilon for details. Springs may require periodic adjustment or replacement after long-term testing above ~600CC.
Température Sensitivity (Gain): <100 PPM/°C (0.01 %FS/°C) typical Température Sensitivity (Offset): 20 PPM/CC (0.002%FS/°C) typical