The SUPER 800 combined with the AB 220 Extending Screed in TV version achieves excellent compacting results exceptional for a paver in its class. The SUPER 800 easily handles most varied jobs including construction and reinstatement of farm tracks, small roads, footpaths or cycle paths.
ErgoBasic was designed on the back of thetried and tested ErgoPlus operating system
for our Premium Line pavers and tailored specifically to meet the demands and needs of
VOGELE Classic Line users.
The goal was to develop an operating system which can be operated just as quickly,
accurately and intuitively as the ErgoPlus 3 system on the "Dash 3" machines. That makes
VOGELE the only manufacturer to offer a standardized operating concept for ail paver
VOGELE has also developed the Niveltronic Basic System for Automated Grade and
Slope Control to match the ErgoBasic operating concept. It is completely integrated in
the machine control system and therefore perfectly adapted to the paver model
concerned. Another outstanding aspect of Niveltronic Basic is its particularly simple and
intuitive handling, a feature which makes it easy even for less experienced operators to
use the system correctly. This creates idéal conditions for the Classic Line pavers to work
true to line and level on any base.