The plastering nozzle can also be fitted at the end of the tank or at the end of the pipe knee
A small compressor is sufficient to use the plastering nozzle in plastering modus. It has to provide a pressure between 2 and 3 bars (200-300 kPa or 30-45 psi) for about 80 liters of air consumed per minute. A tank of at least 20 liters is recommended
2 tips are provided with it: - One with a diameter of 12mm to “charge”. - One with a diameter of 8mm to project grains, in order to have a “rustic” or “crushed” finish. These tips can be fitted at the end of the plastering nozzle.
A quick coupler – compatible with most compressors – is provided with the plastering nozzle (it is in the accessories bag). A corrugated fitting 1/8" is also provided in the accessories bag to directly use an air hose.
The plastering nozzle accepts any king of mortar. However, it is advised to use at max a 3 mm granulometry for a maximal efficiency. Ready to use mortars are compatible (ex: Parex, PRB, Weber, etc.). Their dosage is ideal and assures a continuity in color. It is possible to use your own mortar. It must be unctuous enough so that grains of sand do not agglomerate. Dosage example: 3 volumes of sand 0/2 for 1 volume of hydraulic lime (or 1⁄2 volume of hydraulic lime and 1⁄2 volume of white cement). Some unsuitable sands may require a dosage of 2 volumes of sand for 1 volume of hydraulic lime. Sand / cement mortars may require the addition of a plasticizer to make them softer.