The Thermaclim Duo, developed by Jri, is a portable infrared thermometer with high/low alarms. It has a 75:1 optimal resolution, 0.100 to 1.00 emissivity, 8 µm to 14 µm spectral response, and 300 ms response time. This unit further provided with automatic flip over display which makes it simple to read measurements from any angle, and two types of laser sighting for ensuring a reliable measurements. It also integrates a ±0.75 °C to 23 °C measurement range with a -32 °C to +900 °C measurement accuracy. This thermometer is also supplied with a battery, user manual, USB cable, software, wrist strap, padded pouch, carrying case, tripod insert, and K thermocouple. In addition, all parts of this device are also equipped with 2 years warranty.