Carbon Monoxide (CO) Personal Protection Device & Wireless Ambient Monitor
Protect yourself from unexpected sources of CO
Detects 0 – 999ppm CO to 1 ppm resolution
Green, Yellow, Red visual alarm & audible alert with Max & Hold
Wirelessly connect up to 4 KANE79 to your KANE LINK analyser
Safely test 4 rooms simultaneously for CO migration without trailing cables
Reduce CMDDA1 room CO tests from 2 hours to 30 mins
Store, print or wirelessly transfer tests from your KANE LINK analyser
Meets CMDDA1, BS7927, EN50379 & EN50543 when measuring ambient CO
10 year warranty when annually serviced & recertified by KANE CARE
KANE79 is an ambient air tester - NOT for flue gas, warm air streams or hazardous atmospheres