High-speed applications require high-quality bearing solutions.
Conventional bearing systems are subject to high wear and tear in the upper speed range, or their suitability for cycle-based operation is limited. Magnetic bearings with their contactless technology are non-wearing and maintenance-free. Also, they do not require any lubrication. Active magnetic bearings perfectly complement KEBA’s automated drive solutions and are used in many high-speed applications.
Your benefits at a glance
-Long-standing proven technology
-Industrial-scale robust technology
-Reproducible quality in series processes
-Broad range of process information for condition monitoring
-Energy supply from the drive DC link
Control electronics
Highly compact electronics for actuating and controlling the active magnetic bearings
-Control for 5 plus 1 axes
-Available as onboard electronics directly on the motor, or as a cabinet version
-Evaluation of high-resolution position sensors and integration of power electronics in one housing
-Magnetic bearing electronics based on standard servocontroller series
-Easy parameter configuration and control using software tools, bus systems and digital I/Os
-Easy integration into existing communication structures
-Available fully fitted with cables for connection to the magnetic bearing controller