The cost-effective 5½-digit Model 6485 Picoammeter can measure currents from 10fA to 20mA, at speeds up to 1000 readings per second. The Model 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage provides higher accuracy and faster rise times than the 6485, a 500V source, and a damping function for use with capacitive devices. The Model 6482 Dual-Channel Picoammeter/Voltage Source offers higher measurement resolution than the Model 6485 or Model 6487 and dual, independent 30V voltage bias sources.
•Current resolution as low as 1fA (6482) :Allows measuring ultra-low leakage currents in components, dark currents in optical devices, and beam currents in microscopy instrumentation.
•Burden voltage as low as 200μV :Allows making current measurements with high accuracy, even in circuits with very low source voltages.
•Dual-channel measurements (6482) :Simplifies analyzing multi-channel devices, monitoring currents in multiple locations on materials, and recording data from multiple sensors at once.
•Choose from 0, 1, or 2 built-in voltage sources :Ensures you can find the voltage bias capabilities your application demands. Perform insulation resistance testing with the 500V source in the Model 6487 Picoammeter /Voltage Source.
•Built-in analog outputs :Allows transmitting measurement results to devices like DMMs, data acquisition boards, oscilloscopes, or strip chart recorders for signal response and trend analysis.
•Measure currents up to 20mA :Supports measuring currents high enough for applications such as measuring 4-20mA sensor loops.