The TRICOR PRO Plus TCMQ 6400 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter has a maximum mass flow rate of 6400 kg/hr (235 lb/min) or 970 bbl/day and nominal size of DN15 (1/2”). This meter has an accuracy of 0.1% and withstands pressures up to 100 bar (1450 psi). The compact footprint of this meter allows for installation into tight spaces. The transmitter with Digital Signal Processing provides a modern HMI interface, strong logging functionality, and advanced diagnostics.
Features & Benefits
Fast dosage, short response time (max. 10 ms)
100 Hz refresh rate for all outputs
Extremely short installation length
High zero stability drift-free
Empty pipe detection
High dosing accuracy
Suitable for pump monitoring, fast control circuits
Best fit in most system configurations
Accuracy combined with long-term stability
Extensive diagnostics and self-monitoring