The Ensat are a self-tapping threaded inserts that are equipped with both external and internal threads, cutting slots, or cutting bores. These devices' characteristics are further enhanced using the continuous process of development. These are sealed with both German and foreign patents. Furthermore, these perform a minimal inward springing action, thus creating a certain screw-locking effect. If this effect is not required, using an Ensat-SB 307/308 device is highly-recommended.
Additionally, these are developed for some materials that possesses difficult cutting properties. They have a thick wall and their cutting force is equally distributed over three different cutting edges. In addition to that, these are specifically applied to fields that require special space conditions (residual wall thicknesses), and are also suitable for driving.
ApplicationThe threaded insert Ensat®-Swith cutting slot is a self-tappingfastener for the creation ofwear-free, vibration resistantscrew joints with high loadingcapacity in materials with lowshearing strength.
ApplicationThreaded insert Ensat®-SK 302 1with cutting slot and head is aself-tapping fastener for thecreation of wear-free, vibration-resistant screw joints with highloading capacity in materialswith low shearing strength.Head, the pull-through force is.Threaded insertself-tapping It is suitable for installation inthe following materials:– Light alloys– Cast iron, brass, bronze, NF metals– Plastics, laminates– HardwoodsThe head serves as a support forelectrical contacts when fasteningseveral parts simultaneously;when stress is