CODEX RSU is an innovative management system that receives, elaborates and displays in various charts and statistics the data of waste disposals and of function parameters of KGN tools for separate collection, in compliance with the national and EU regulation for rates request.
KGN “data” are different and unique because of the transparency and the readability of the information that are not encrypted and immediately available for the Costumer even on his own platform. The warranty of promptness, safety and authenticity of the data is given by the reliability and by the quality of the detection and transmission systems that only KGN can offer.
The constant interfacing of the users databases with the service management data allows a constant control of the accuracy of the collected information.
Thanks to its powerful SQL engine, this database with Internet access comes as an "environmental communication and interactive information on the territory, not only for the operators of the service, but also for citizens.
Codex RSU, integrated with other KGN systems allows:
-the remote data capture
-the supervision of the collection service
- the basic management of the equipment (operational state, output, occupation)
-processing the emptying rates for the application of the tariffs
-the management of the “user’s point”
-to have aggregated and accurate statistical analysis
-the consultation of “waste” location by individual users through Internet portal.