• Division ratio: 2:1
The charge attenuator divides the electric charge applied tothe input by the factor x (division ratio) and makes the chargereduced by the factor x available at the output.
The charge attenuator consists of two high-insulating capacitors, one of which is in parallel with the input (parallel capacitance), while the other is connected between input andoutput (series capacitance). This connection leads to a divisionof the input charge and thus to a smaller output charge by afactor of x (division ratio). At each end of the housing there isa BNC connector (input: BNC neg., output: BNC pos.), so thatthe charge attenuator can be connected directly between thesensor cable (e.g. Type 1631C...) and any extension cable (e.g.Type 1603B...) or between the sensor cable and the amplifierinput, if no extension cable is required.
The charge attenuator is required if the charge emitted by thepiezoelectric sensor exceeds the largest measuring range of thecharge amplifier used.