• Data recorder module for Stationary KIDAU system (Type K3800AS)
• DTI (Digital Transducer Interface) recorder
• Module detects and stores digitized measurement values
• Data transfer to data recorder takes place via bus lines
The Stationary DTI Recorder Type K0375AS.08 is an expansion module for the Stationary System Base Unit Type K3800AS. The module detects digitized measurement values that arise during a test and stores them in a central memory. The transfer of the measured data to the data recorder which are provided decentrally and close to the sensor by so-called DiMod modules (digitization modules) takes place via bus lines.
The Stationary DTI Recorder is characterized by the following
technical features:
• 8 DTI ports for connecting up to 96 measuring channels
• Central memory with a capacity of more than 400 s measurement data acquisition at 20 kHz sampling frequency
• Measurement data storage in non-volatile flash memory
• Support of SR/T0 double trigger functionality
• Support of ring buffer mode and recorder mode for data recording
• Compatible with CrashDesigner from version 2.10