2-piece body, flanged ball valve optimised for the process industry
Due to the 2-piece body construction design the risk of an external leakage is reduced, because there is just one sealing area between body and flanged end piece. A whole ball valve range produced according to ANSI standards (KHE-CL) as well as a complete range of flange valves in short pattern design were considered during the product development. Also the Ballostar KHE ball valve offers modular selectable system components (operating stem and sealing elements). A construction kit that has already successfully proved itself at the Ballostar KHA valve. Thus the split body KHE valves is prepared for a wide range of operating conditions.
Product Advantages Ball Valves
Supports pressurization on both sides
Ball with cylindrical full bore
Sealing in accordance with EN 12266-1 – leakage rate A
Modular selection of system components
Fire Safe
Antistatic design in accordance with ISO 7121 / EN 1983
Subsequent automation possible at any time (top flange in accordance with EN ISO 5211)
Optimal spare parts availability (as a result of common parts with Ballostar® KHA)
Special Types KHE Ball Valves
Metal seat for abrasive media
Operating stem sealed by O-rings
Operating stem extension
Oxygen version (oil- and grease-free)
Gas version