Reflex level gauges
Reflex level gauges allow the medium to be viewed through a reflex glass: The side of the glass exposed to the medium has a prismatic surface, while the other side is smooth. The medium level inside the level gauge is indicated by means of the light refraction principle, i.e. the liquid-filled area completely absorbs the rays of light and appears dark, while the rays of light are fully reflected in the gas / air-filled area, which subsequently appears bright.
Reflex level gauges offer great advantages in terms of low purchase and maintenance costs as well as with regard to easy level reading. However, they cannot be used in certain cases, for example when the separation level between two liquids has to be read, when discerning the liquid color is required or when high-pressure water steam has to be measured.
A105 and SS 316L are utilized as standard materials - alloy or other materials are available on demand.
Direct view of the fluid level
More economic solution for fluid level checking
Different refraction behavior with liquid and gas (or steam)
Easy maintenance and very long service life
Suitable for steam media up to 32 bar and process media up to 400 bar