Reduce visible stack plumes, provide unlimited turndown, collect up to 99.95% of all submicron liquid particles
Depending on the design parameters, FLEXIFIBER® mist eliminators collect up to 99.95% or greater of all submicron liquid particles.
FLEXIFIBER® mist eliminators consist of a packed fiberbed between either of two concentric screens or two parallel screens.
Koch-Glitsch offers three types of FLEXIFIBER mist eliminators that are based on the type of mechanism for separation:
FLEXIFIBER® type BD element (Brownian Diffusion) is designed for submicron liquid or soluble solid particles.
FLEXIFIBER® type IC element (Impaction Cylinder) is designed to economically collect particles in the 1 to 3 micron range.
FLEXIFIBER® type IP element (Impaction Panel) is most commonly used in sulphuric acid plants.