There are three suitable programmes to choose from for optimum granulate drying:
• The ECO energy-saving programme saves you up to 40% energy. This pays off if dried material is not removed frequently.
• When time is of the essence: the high-speed programme allows you to dry high throughputs with consistent quality.
• The basic programme is tailored to your daily standard production.
Depending on your requirements, you can obtain our side dryers with different drying containers. Large containers are mounted on a mobile rack.
With our KKT mobile dry air dryers, you can dry hygroscopic granulates directly next to your processing machine. Depending on the model, 55m³ to 100m³ of dehumidified air per hour is channelled through the drying container and the moisture in the granulate is absorbed.
The saturated drying air flows through two alternating desiccant containers, where it is dehumidified again. This produces deeply dried air with a dew point of approx. -35 °C. This corresponds to a value of 0.19 g H₂O per 1 m³ of dry air.