Three Phase Measurement Test System
A field instrument specifically designed to cover all aspects of metering installation, commissioning and maintenance activities. Including the calibration of single and three phase energy meters, and meter installation audits. The device features powerful on-board data storage. It uses easy menu driven function / option selection. It also implements the KoCoS SmartProbe technology.
Energy Meter Calibration
The unit is capable of calibrating the energy and maximum demand (kVA & kW) functions of energy meters, including:
•Reactive energy calibration of True Varmetric or Cross Connected energy meters
•Demand calibration of Vectorial or Arithmetic calculating demand meters
Instantaneous Measurements
The unit measures the following instantaneous quantities:
•Voltages and Currents, including individual phase angles
•Watt, var, VA and power factor for each phase and three phase Frequency
Phasor diagram
•Phasor diagram of three phase voltage and current signals.
Power diagram
•Displays the four quadrant diagram of P, Q & S
•Bar display of voltage and current harmonics up to the 32nd
•Total harmonic distortion of voltage and current per phase
•Scope display of voltage and current signals per phase