The Smoking Machine RM20M is a member of our modular instruments family, our latest generation of instruments specifically designed to bring the latest technologies into the production and laboratory environments utilizing the smallest possible footprint and to support the greatest range of products. The RM20M is specifically designed to carry out analytical smoking for determinations of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide under the most common smoking regimes, ISO and Health Canada Intense (HCI). Other smoking regimes are also selectable from the menu or programmable by the user. The rotary smoking principle of the RM20M provides the most efficient platform for the collection of mainstream particulates and the gas phase. Manufacturers of a wide range of products, tobacco laboratories, research institutes and product developers are the target group for this machine.
RM20M is a desk top manual 20 port rotary smoking machine. Sample loading and butt extraction is done manually as well as connecting the chosen trapping system and gas collection bag. The end point termination will be done automatically controlled. Beside the standard Cambridge filter pad holder (CFP) optionally all kind of alternative trapping systems like liquid traps and electrostatic traps can be connected to the machine. The RM20M allows smoking the samples on one 92 mm filter pad as well as on 20 single 44 mm filter pads which is comparable to linear smoking.