Designed for low- to mid-seam applications, this machine delivers an exceptional combination of cutting power, reliability and productivity. Available with various minimum and maximum cutting heights; 965-mm (38-in) conveyor width for standard-width entry applications.
Exceptional availability
Designed for long service life
Features and benefits
More Joy 14CM continuous miners have been built than any other model.
With multiple available models, a 14CM continuous miner can be applied in your low- to mid-seam applications.
Designed for tough cutting
With both solid and Ripperveyor cutting heads available, the 14CM is ready for tough mining applications.
Wethead cutterhead systems
A fine water spray behind each cutting bit on the cutter drums reduces the potential for frictional ignitions and reduces respirable dust levels.
Incorporating innovative sound abatement technologies, SmartConveyor reduces sound output and its dual-sprocket conveyor chain improves tension strength, mitigating the probability of chain breakage.
Application-specific cutting system
Maximize your productivity, work with us to create a cutting system that is ideal for your application.