An injector delivers the material into the pipeline in pressure conveying systems. Injectors are an ideal, simple solution for small capacities. For larger capacities, a rotary intake unit is recommended.
The Kongskilde TF Injectors TF 20, TF 40, and TF 50 are used as feeder units for the Kongskilde TRL blowers. TF 20 is used in combination with TRL 20, the TF 40 is for TRL 40, and TF 55 is used for both TRL 55 and TRL 75 (50 Hz).
The TF Injector can be installed inline anywhere in the pipeline.
OK piping can be coupled directly to the inlet without a hopper.
The self-cleaning system results in very low dust levels for feeding.
Each injector is equipped with a nozzle adjusted to the TRL blower it is designed for.
TF 20 and TF 55 are also available in stainless steel.