The Side Stream Smoking Machine LM5S is a member of our modular instruments family, our latest generation of instruments specifically designed to bring the latest technologies into the production and laboratory environments utilizing the smallest possible footprint as well as support for the greatest range of products.
The LM5S is specifically designed to collect the side stream smoke following the procedures given in ISO 20773 und ISO 20774. The LM5S offers a highly flexible platform for standard side stream smoke analysis as well as for research
smoking. A multitude of configurations are possible with the LM5S. Combinations of mainstream, side stream with or without impingers, Dewar’s flaks options for cryogenic work, both in single and double arrangements. The LM5S is also
suitable for use in Hoffmann work. The LM5S smokes in a sequential manner, meaning that the cigarettes can be lit with the fishtail chimney in situ, thus not affecting the smoking results. Special infrared sensors are used for butt length detection (endpoint detection) and trigger the machine (steering element) to stop puffing and automatically raise the chimney on an individual basis.