The apparatus, by means of the clamp connected to conductive parts of tank
truck, disperses to the ground the electrostatic charges generated during
load and unload operations.
The electronic unit of the apparatus verify the ground resistance, ad if it’s
acceptable, allow round connection and it switches the SPDT contacts which
enable/disable the pump of tanker and it is signaled by green light.
Also available the EJB-B/KTM device complete with 2 clamps.
The first electronic unit verify the ground resistance of the clamp 1, ad if it’s
acceptable signaled by the green light 1, the second electronic unit verify the
ground resistance of the clamp 1, ad if it’s acceptable signaled by the green
light 2, in this case allow round connection and it switches the SPDT contacts
which enable/disable the pump of tanker. In case of resistance conditions not
suitable for the clamp 1 it will not be possible to proceed with the verification
of the resistance conditions for the clamp 2.