The base drum heater is specially designed for melting or reducing operations on the viscosity of different work pieces.
It is controlled by a capillary thermostat that has the temperature range between 0 and 120º C.
The base diameter is designed to fit on all sizes of drums up to 45 gallons, 200 liters.
The power rating reaches up to 230 V, 900 W. It is supplied by 2 meter power cable.
The heating element includes wire element, glass impregnated silicone heater mat.
If the quick heat-up is necessary and the subjects will accept heat rapidly, the silicone or nylon jacket side drum heaters can be used in combination with the base unit or alternative thermal insulation jacket.
The insulation reaches up to 50 mm high density rock wool .
The thermostat is made by Jumo heattherm and varies between 0 and 120º C.
The machine weighs 15 kg.
The machine may also be used in addition to the other drum heaters.