The Machine for the efficient grinding of large dimensioned work-pieces with two separate belt drives ⇒ thus no need for belt change.
The PDBM 2 is the result of the ongoing process of enhancement of the KUHLMEYER PBM. Large housings even with inclined surfaces can now be grinded fully automated.
Application areas:
Machinebuilding industry
Automotive- and aircraft industry
Wagon manufacturer
Home appliance
Steelwork / Steel-service-center
The machine control is based on a menu guided HMI via a SIEMENS SIMATIC S7:
Belt speed
Tool pressure
Choice of tools
Tool speed and ways
Choice of belt aggregate and working angle
Vertikal adjustments and speeds
Drive of the movable carrier and
speed adjustment
Positioning of turntable
Easy control by pre-programmed
tool, like line and surface