High quality and innovative lab scale fermentor and benchtop bioreactor at a reasonably low cost. Through innovation to quality, new concepts to increase productivity in laboratory fermentation and cell culture experiments:
MINIFOR laboratory fermentor and bioreactor
The LAMBDA MINIFOR bench-top autoclavable laboratory fermenter and bioreactor was developed as a result of the need to construct a small laboratory fermentor for working volume ranges from 35 ml to over 6 liters.
Based on long personal practical experience in fermentation and cell culture, a high quality fermentor-bioreactor which is easy to use and with the capacity to measure and control all the important parameters of the biological culture, has been created (which required new ideas and many innovations).
Smallest footprint for parallel experiments
The fermentor had to take up minimum space on the bench, but with good access to all parts. Several fermentors should, when placed side by side, be suitable for the optimization of growth parameters of the culture or optimization of bio-transformations, etc. (highly suitable for parallel running experiments).