Aircut represents the highest level oftechnology evolution in the universal cutters Landucci’s range. The structure is made ofan upper frame fixed to the press frame. The frame carriers the column used to lift and/or rotate the cutting and ventilation mask. The lifting and rotating movements are motorized to ensure the maximum accuracy and the maximum safety for the operators.
It is suitably illuminated and provided ofwindows to allow a detailed view ofthe die cutting surface. The mask is provided ofa conveyor belt with reversible motion (Landucci patent), used to convey the product into the shaker. The usage ofthe belt allows the reduction and optimisation ofthe fall ofthe product after the cut, reducing the amount ofair that, in the older cutting units, was used to convey the product into the shaker. The less amount ofair allows a better efficiency ofthe shaker because the shaker is less affected by the air coming from the cutter. The belt reversible motion is used to convey the scraps produced during startups and stops into a container.
The mask raising system is the most modern system available in the market in terms ofaccuracy, rigidity, maintenance and safety. The mask is moving on high precision load linear guideways to avoid any misalignment with the die head. The alignment between the die head and the cutting mask is motorized. The load linear guideways are fixed on a rigid steel column. The result is a very rigid assembly that eliminates any vibration during the mask motion. The mask is moved by a system gearbox+endless screw.