LErgoCAD – the all in one software from LANG under Microsoft® Windows™.
This software will allow you to produce CAM data for the output at your engraving and milling machine quickly and flexibly to suit your particular job
and your production capabilities.
The comfortable controls as well as the easy user guidance will help you to reduce production costs, decrease throughput times and provide greater economy.
Available in the following versions:
LErgoCAD Basic 2 1/2 D
Software package CAD & Design (including Relief-Designer)
CAD/CAM-Software for fast and flexible customer oriented production.
MDI - application
Project idea (e. g. to ensure the reproducibility)
Fast generating of data through recalculation with one click
Layer concept
Tool board
Context menus
User defined libraries
Definition of CAM-strategies (milling, laser, plan processing)
Drawing and typographic design tools
Projection on different surfaces
Simulation of manufacturing
Dimensioning function
Font editor
Drilling strategies