Digitizing program for LANG digitization systems. This software program is made for the digitization of free form surfaces and relief models with a laser scanner.
3D digitization of free form surfaces
User-friendly wizards and dialogs
Select and digitize concept to digitize parts of the relief
Actual measuring range (focus position of sensor) can be found automatically
User can specify the desired X, Y resolution through the software
Digitization report (e.g. start, end time)
Digitization summary in relief file
Verify Z position for digitization
Digitization area can be entered through keyboard or by „Teach-In“ with laser
Automatically storage of the surface data after digitization
Possibility of saving and reloading all parameters of a digitization.
Digitization is possible in different shapes - Rectangle, Circle or Polygon
Several different materials can be digitized in a sequential order or in a single start
Processing functions:
Marking of individual relief points or relief areas
Modification of the scanned values (individual points, marked areas)
Various filter functions (total relief, marked areas) for handling of the scanned relief data
Relief transformation (Mirroring, Rotating, Moving, Scaling, Shearing, Inverting)
Comfortable display functions as Grey steps, Rainbow view, Isohypses view or Lighting simulation