Access control system
Real-time photography of people present in the company through the monitoring of an unlimited number of internal or external company gates. For each individual access point, it is possible to determine which users are permitted access, at which times and on which days.
Door opener and vehicle access terminals
The access control terminals (magnetic, contactless or biometric) are installed on the relative access point and connected via a wired Ethernet network.
The access authorisation tables are loaded directly aboard the equipment to offer the possibility of continued use of the access control system even if there is no connection with the software.
Visitor management
Visitors can be registered by name and surname only or with a complete registry, including showing ID and taking down the details of accompanying persons.
The latter category normally includes external consultants, cleaning companies, maintenance workers, couriers, and anyone with a lasting relationship with the company.
In this case, the system manager can provide such persons an access-enabled badge, so that regular visitors are free to pass through directly without having to go by reception.
Use of the badge and accessibility may be limited to certain days and times.
Visitor “stamps” can be used to draw up a monthly card, with the total number of hours present, useful for verifying the amount of work conducted.