- Used for ISO 140-3, ASTM E90, ISO 140-5, ASTM E966 compliant measurements
- High sound power output level
- Insertion loss of Noise Barriers
- Available lightweight & compact amplifier (BAS002E/U)
- Shipping case standard
- Architectural Acoustics: In-situ Façade Measurements
- Building Acoustic Measurements
- Sound Insulation
- Evaluation of the Acoustic Indexes for the Transmission Loss of Façade
BAS003 Directional Source
The BAS003 Source is designed to generate homogeneous sound fields using random noise in compliance with the following standards: Building acoustics (insertion loss, acoustic absorption area, etc: ISO 140-3, ASTM E90, ISO 140-5, ASTM E966). The BAS003 is typically used to generate a noise in a free-field for the evaluation of the transmission loss index of a façade. The available high-efficiency power amplifier, BAS002, is light and can be remotely controlled for easy use in the field.