Spark® 705+
Super-duty Noise Dosimeters
This incredibly rugged, micro-sized Spark® is the perfect choice for personal noise exposure sampling in the most extreme and hostile
industrial environments.
For versatility and power, the Spark® 705+ remote-response capability is the way to
go. Imagine reading data from individual dosimeters, even as they're being worn by
the worker, from up to three feet away! Using the Spark® 706RC companion
dosimeter as a 'Master Controller', multiple 705+ units can be started, stopped,
uploaded and reset - anytime, anyplace. Then, transfer all the individual tests stored
in the master unit to your PC when it's most convenient, adding unique descriptors
and notesto each test, even asthe still-deployed 705+ unitscontinue to gather more
samples. You'll see a dramatic increase in the amount of sampling you can
accomplish in the shortest possible time!
For maximum survivability, combined with comfort and small size, the Spark® 705+
can't be beat. Add to that their superior reporting capability, flexible deployment
options and ease-of-use, and you'll agree, there's a more efficient way to monitor
workplace noise exposures – smarter, faster, and better.
- Incrediblyrugged, watertight housing
- Verycompact and easyto use
- Universal noise exposure results using yourchoice of multiple dose parameters
- Intrinsicallysafe
- High speed IR data transfer without a cable
- Outstanding reports and analysis using Blaze® software
- Massive memory allows more than a week ofsampling - on all three shifts
- Detachable microphone