Picosecond laser:
the secrets of this technology
We have already talked about the Picosecond Laser in this article and how important it is today to ensure 100% reliable Laser marking for UDI codes on medical devices.
The medical industry is one of the most demanding industries for Laser marking on both metal and plastic.
This is why the advent of the Picosecond Laser has been a revolution for all companies in the industry. Let’s take a closer look at its technical specifications.
Pulses last only 2ps and reach 10MW Peak power!
Some processes – such as high-contrast black marking and machomachining of various materials, that were unimaginable with the traditional infrared laser – are now possible.
We usually work with a frequency rate between 500 kHz and 100 kHz, while here the frequency range is from 50 kHz to 2000 kHz
Increased execution speed.
1030 nm wavelength, slightly lower than the traditional 1064 nm.
It is compatible with most of materials.
High beam quality (M2 = 1.2);
To increase energy density it has a smaller spot
Water cooling with a chiller.
The system remains stable over time