LPS-EMK-40 is a high pressure grouting pump and injection machine tor cement mixtures pumping applications. The machine can easily handle all types of high viscose building materials as cement, grout, plaster mixtures and clay that contains grains up to 0 - 4 mm sizes with a maintenance free pump structure Successfully used in ground stabilizing and strengthening, cement pumping operations tor anchorage filling, cement flooring and grouting, pumping cement, plaster, lime or other solutions towards or upwards construction area, clay pumping or transferring tunneling, precast units production, ete. Improved rotor and stator geometry, high quality steel rotor and rubber stator, provides high pressure and reduces operating costs due to electricity and spare parts consumption. High pressure pumping feature ensures, the cement mixture or other pumped material can easily reach deep inside anchorage holes or rock fractures at ground reintorcement process. Mixer system is powered by a 3kW electrical motor due to mixing common materials thereby mixtures precipitation or decomposition of material is prevented Water-proof electric control cabinet design, prevents leakage current and provides operalar safety. Phase sequence protection, over and under voltage, over current and thermal protection are some of electrical safety