The Stainless Steel Weight Indicator Series WINOX-2G is manufactured by LAUMAS Elettronica. The product is made of AISI 304 stainless steel and it comes with a weight indicator. The product's overall measurement is 206 x 286 x 108 mm and the adjustable bracket is made of stainless steel. The product has protection class of IP68 and it has 27-key membrane keyboard.
It has multilingual interface and it has multi-program interface that has single loading/unloading and multi-product batchings and a maximum of 99 formulas. It has Backlit LCD graphic display which measures 128 mm x 75 mm and 240 x 128 pixel resolution. Lastly, the product has OIML R76:2006 approved, class III, 10000 divis. 0.2μV/VSI and OIML R61 approved - WELMEC Guide 8.8:2011 (M.I.D.).