In mid-October the time had come: After eleven months of project time a German manufacturer of generic products has successfully accepted the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) of the QbCon® WG – a continuous wet granulator and dryer.
„The new unit allows a throughput of 25 kg/h per hour and is designed for continuous production“, reports Tim Remmert, Managing Director of L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH. „This means that the unit can produce without interruption and generate a high throughput,“ continues Remmert.
Trend towards Continuous Manufacturing
The proportion of continuously operating systems in pharmaceutical production is currently still low, with production running mainly in classic batch or batch production. In recent years, however, the demand for continuously operating systems has increased immensely.
„With our various solutions for continuous dry and wet granulation as well as continuous drying and tablet coating, we are top of the market“, states Thorsten Wesselmann (Managing Director) as he emphasizes the exceptional position of the Ennigerloh-based technology company. „In addition to the individual components, our solutions for the production of coated tablets via dry or wet granulation or direct compression offer cutting-edge technology“, Wesselmann continues.
QbCon® WG revoluionizes Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
The recently accepted QbCon® WG system revolutionizes pharmaceutical technology. „The dryer has been successfully patented,“ Remmert proudly states.