The electronic automatic penetrometer measures and records on a continuous gradual increase of the consistency of the dough cement or any other similar material.
The electronic automatic penetrometer measures andrecords on a continuous gradual increase of the consistencyof the dough cement or any other similar material.A needle with an appropriate form to ensure a constantfriction surface, is able to penetrate slowly in a mass,provided that it applies a force equal to the resistance thatopposes the movement. In the automatic recordingpentrometer, is not the needle that sinks into the specimen,but the the specimen that rises towards the needle onwhich, initially, no force is applied. In spite of the fact thatthe relevant movement of the two elements is very slow(and therefore imperceivable), there is a moment in whichthe consistency reached by the specimen is sufficient todrag the needle, that starts rising. The needle is connectedwith a 5000 g load cell.
With this penetrometer the hardening of sample is not onlymeasured in static conditions but also recorded incontinually and automatically. You obtain the Faithfuldocumentation of the characteristic behaviour of eachsample on a graphic form representing the increase andprogressive increasing of consistency depending on time. Atthe end of the test, the instrument stops automatically, withno need of survey by the operator during his function. Thebody is built in a light alloy but in a very compact way.