Hydraulic universal testing machine developed for testing on various metallic materials and allows the execution of a wide range of static test
Hydraulic universal testing machine developed fortesting on various metallic materials and allows theexecution of a wide range of static test. The machineconsists of the following parts:
LOAD CELL 1000 kN (224809 lbf)
TEST FRAME 1000 kN, with built-in load cell loadpiston. The frame is designed to allow testing oftraction in the lower compartment, while the highercompartment remains available and usable for othertypes of executable compression tests, bending,folding, cutting, with the accessories you already own.The tensile heads are an integral part of the frame
HYDRAULIC CONTROL UNIT COMPUTERIZED,designed to control and the complete management ofthe tests with test machines tension/compressionmaterials according to the standards of ISO 6892-1Reference. The test machine control is carried out withcomputerised system which controls the functions andprocesses the results of the tests. The load controlsystem is innovative because it uses a specialhydraulic pump, is controlled by the flow of oil to thepiston, acting on the speed of rotation of the pumpmotor. This new system ensures high reliability,accuracy of results, high productivity and low noise incompliance with regulations on noise pollution.