The machine is suitable to effectuate compression tests on:
• Cylindrical test pieces with diameter of 150 mm and height of 300 mm
• Cylindrical test pieces with diameter of 160 mm and height of 320 mm
The frame is assembled without welding through afeather edge and a fixing system, purposelystudied and designed to guarantee exceptional lifeand stability in time.The housing of the load piston has been obtainedin the lower element of the press.The extremely reduced dimensions of the machineallow an optimal use of the available space incarriage and storing conditions, by significantlyimproving the global economisation.The compression plates of all these machines arehardened and ground.The hydraulic cylinder and the piston are made ofspecial steel and are ground; a stroke end deviceavoids the issue of the piston from the cylinder.Considered the high pressures that come into playduring the compression test, a particular sealingring that allows to minimize the frictions has beenadopted and placed in a slot of the cylinder. Theoil-hydraulic unit is moved by an electrical motorwith an incorporated switch and a pump that allowsto apply the load evenly and constantly is placed init. A device allows a quick approach of the plates tothe specimen, with the automatic passage to thetesting pressure in the moment of contact betweenthe plates and the specimen. A special valve, withan external control, allows to effectuate a preregulation of the load gradient, in accordance withwhat is requested by the standard.It is supplied with a security valve of maximumpressure, to avoid the breaking of the loadmeasurement system beyond the maximumcapacity of the machine.