The Model 501 laboratory fluid bed dryer, manufactured by Sherwood Scientific of Cambridge, England, is programmable and provides quick, even drying of a variety of solids. It's glass tub assembly allows the user to observe the sample fluidization and assess if the appropriate airflow is being channeled through the solids bed. The M501 can be provided with a variety of drying tub sizes, as well as inlet/outlet filter. It can process samples as low as 200 grams and as high as several kilograms. Drying time, inlet temperature, and air flow can be varied and controlled either via push button on the unit itself or using a PC (not included).
Bench-scale unit
Easy to use, integrated controls for air flow, inlet air temperature, drying time
Glass drying tubs provides easy visibility of product sample
Various glass drying tub sizes available
Variety of inlet/Outlet filters
Plug & Play system, 110VAC or (220VAC) single phase