10.1” IPS TOUCH Screen
Controller offers precision measuring, 100+ Product storage, Expandable Storage for reports and 3 Levels of Password Protected access (2 Supervisor , 1 Operator)
8 Digit Input
1. Start
2. Stop
3. Tare
4. Gate Close input
5. Level Input
6. Low Pressure & Reserved
8 Digit Output
1. Coarse
2. Fine
3. Discharge
4. Process
5. Bag Clamp
6. Hamerring & Reserved
Advanced Features
Auto-manual Selection
Inflight Control
Bag Discharge Auto Auto / manual
Low Pressure Interlocking and Process Output
Barcode scanners
Label printers
7Online Printer
external PC keypad and mouse
ERP / SAP Integration, Data export as
Text & Pdf file and carrying data via USB flash.
Easy inspection procedures in a reduced space to secure quality control in your facility.
Extremely advance construction guarantee precise weighing results.